Thursday, November 11

My patch of 'My Little Town:' An aerial shot when I was REALLY high this summer, of our circa 1960s apartment complex (along Herzl boulevard across from hotel row, for all you local yokels). Former veep Al Gore had the best felafel he ever ate at the newsstand/flowershop just nearby. They even got the faded pic to prove it, too. Ahh, fame.

The neighborhood, built by and when the "Histadrut" Labor federation was boss, is very green, sort of like a quiet garden right smack at the noisy entrance to town.
Posted by Dave

The End of Arafat

"At a time when nonagenarian Nazis and aides to Nazis who killed a dozen people sixty years ago are still hunted down, aged, confused witnesses shuffling up to the stand in desperate attempts to testify against them, Arafat will be buried with pomp and eulogies, and something in me will get buried, too, a hope I nurtured, admittedly weak, that there was enough justice in the world that it would still catch up with him, as the terror raged and more and more victims died and were mangled."

Thank you, P. David Hornick, for - once again - reading my mind and wrestling my thoughts down on screen with the article appearing on


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