COLUMBUS, GA – A rocket fired from a nearby former US army base exploded in a shopping center in Columbus, GA., on Thursday, wounding 70 people and leaving two trapped under rubble, officials said.
(Got your attention, now? Good. So calm down, take a moment to wipe down the screen and keyboard – I’ll wait – and read on…)
Two Israeli school boys, residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz near the Gaza Strip, as they and a dog examine pockmarks on a kindergarten's reinforced security wall from a Kassam rocket attack in 2012 against their small farming community (Photo: Dave Bender, All Rights Reserved).
While thousands of Israeli troops scour the West Bank for a trio of teens kidnapped by Hamas a week ago, Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip have bombarded southern Israel with rocket fire for the last six nights.
Bet you didn’t hear much about it in the news, right?
One of the Kassams slammed into a home on Kibbutz Shaar Hanegev Wednesday night, although, thankfully, there were no physical injuries in the latest salvo.Read the rest: