Monday, April 30

PM Olmert to Israel: Drop Dead - L'etat, C'est Moi!

"Feeling the 'Winograd' Noose"
(Photo: AP)
Ehud Olmert. Go home. You utterly failed and betrayed the people of Israel and the House of Israel in it's hour of need. Take Amir Peretz with you. We are a nation of heroes. You lead a government of craven cowards.
“Good evening. This afternoon I received the first part of the Winograd
Committee report (). The Government established the Committee seven months ago in order to examine the Second Lebanon War.

"I have studied the main points of the report. The report is grave and
harsh. There were achievements. There were failures by the main
decision-makers with myself at their head. Lessons must be drawn. Faults - and they are many - must be corrected. There is much to do. I intend to act in order to correct everything that needs correcting, thoroughly and
Ehud Olmert. Go home. You utterly failed and betrayed the people of Israel and the House of Israel in it's hour of need. Take Amir Peretz with you. We are a nation of heroes. You lead a government of craven cowards.
"I intend to convene a special Cabinet meeting on Wednesday, 2.5.07. I will propose that a team be appointed to quickly study the report and implement the necessary lessons.

"It would be incorrect to resign and I do not intend to do so.

"This Government made the decisions and this Government will correct the
Ehud Olmert. Go home. You utterly failed and betrayed the people of Israel and the House of Israel in its hour of need. Take Amir Peretz with you. We are a nation of heroes. You lead a government of craven cowards.
"From our point-of-view, the submission of the report does not close a
chapter in the war. The submission of the report opens a new - and no less important - chapter, that of correcting the faults and learning the lessons.

"This evening, I am thinking about the bereaved families who lost loved ones in this just and unavoidable war. I am thinking about the wounded and I am thinking about Udi, Eldad and Gilad Shalit. Like all of Israel, I believe that it will be possible to bring them back home quickly."
Ehud Olmert. Go home. You utterly failed and betrayed the people of Israel and the House of Israel in its hour of need. Take Amir Peretz with you. We are a nation of heroes. You lead a government of craven cowards.
"Lastly, I would like to thank the Committee of Inquiry - its Chairman,
retired judge Eliyahu Winograd, and its members: Prof. Ruth Gavison, Prof.
Yehezkel Dror, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Menachem Einan and Dr. Chaim Nadel, for
their serious, thorough and dedicated work.”
Honor and thank them by leaving. Ehud Olmert. Go home. You utterly failed and betrayed the people of Israel and the House of Israel in its hour of need. Take Amir Peretz with you. We are a nation of heroes. You lead a government of craven cowards.

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Can't imagine why I didn't do this sooner.

Posted By Dave Bender to Israel At Level Ground at 4/30/2007 04:37:00 PM



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