Tuesday, September 8

Jewish Youth, Lost & Found, Pro & Con

Haviv Rettig, in a very nuanced and insightful article at The Jerusalem Post, about the Jewish collective, and/or individualistic "Lost and Found."

The article comes in response to the uproar over a recent video ad campaign by Masa - "Trek" - an Israel-based group offering cultural programming geared towards stemming assimilation among diaspora Jewish youth, similar to the US-based Birthright program.

Un-embeddable video (what's up with that, editors?): http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1194419829128&pagename=JPost%2FPage%2FVideoPlayer&videoId=1251804482457

Read it all.

Some Advice For The 'Ignorant Arrogance of the Advice-Givers'

Prof. Barry Rubin replies - plain and simple - to the Ignorant Arrogance of the Advice-Givers:

"One remarkable thing about watching the Middle East is how what’s celebrated as brilliant in Europe or America is errant nonsense.

Writing such stuff makes people successful and gives them an audience of millions. What they say is so ridiculous that one wants to laugh, yet so totally accepted as true in Washington and European capitals that the laugher would be laughed at.

The article to which I refer is by Jacob Weisberg in the June 22 Newsweek, entitled, “A Friend in Need: Barack gets tough on Bibi.” It is far more terrible because Weisberg is neither leftist nor anti-Israel but has simply imbibed what 'everyone says.'"
Warning: Serious slapdown action ahead.


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