Wednesday, May 13

The Pope in Israel: Great Live Radio Interview Wrap

Colleague Judy Lash Balint offers a great wrap-up on the Papal visit to Israel, and Palestinian Authority areas with veteran Seattle radio host Dave Ross on KIRO Radio, the CBS affiliate in the Pacific NW.

Listen here.

Israel's 'Penalty For Early Withdrawal' - in U.S. Terms...

Israeli editorial cartoonist and veteran American immigrant, Yaakov Kirschen's Dry Bones series has faithfully chronicled Israeli history, life and foibles for nearly 40 years.

For the upcoming tete a tete between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and American President Barack Obama, he revised a classic Dry Bones cartoon "that, more than 30 years ago, back in 1977, gave Jimmy Carter an accurate history lesson in Occupied Territories."

"If the reports leaking out of Washington are accurate, the new President seems stuck with the old misconceptions that withdrawing from territory will placate those who lust for our destruction and that America can help by negotiating on behalf of the Arab states that refuse to negotiate directly with the Jewish State of Israel."

Many fans think this profound parody of Jewish observance, tradition and cockeyed optimism about the future, in the face of missile attacks during the 1991 Gulf War is one of his best.


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