Thursday, January 11

Heads-up! UFO crashes in Iran (no - this is a real news report)

Betcha' you thought that was a joke headline, right?

UFO Crash in Central Iran
Jan 10, 2007

An Unidentified Flying Object crashed in Barez Mounts in the central province of Kerman Wednesday morning. Deputy Governor General of Kerman province Abulghassem Nasrollahi told that the crash which was followed by an explosion and a thick spiral of smoke has caused no casualties or damage to properties.
Ok - think it's still a parody? Then you read it yourself.

Don't worry - they'll get their revenge on the ship's occupants yet...

Unless, perhaps, sorta, maybe, couldn't, wouldn't, shouldn't be that the UFO turns out to be connected to the earlier related post: Israel: Pondering 'Hammerin' time' with Iran.



Behind the Headlines: Six months (and 24 years) in terrorist captivity (UPDATED)

From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Six months have passed since the unprovoked abduction of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser on the Israeli side of the Lebanese border, and of Gilad Shalit on the Israeli side of the border with Gaza.

(...)To date no word has been heard from the two captive soldiers, and neither their families nor the government of Israel have any knowledge of their whereabouts or their current state of health.
Two weeks prior to their abduction, another soldier, Gilad Shalit, was abducted as well, this time on the Israeli side of the border with Gaza. His family, too, anxiously awaits news from him. Especially grave is the fact that these unprovoked abductions were carried out on sovereign Israeli territory.
Read the following brief bios of the three. For their sakes, and for ours.

...and thanks to a swift kick in the reminder by A Town Crier, do absolutely not forget Zvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz, Guy Hever, Zachary Baumel and Ron Arad.

Oh, and by the way, there's also a $10,000,000 reward for anyone providing information leading to them that is "reliable, up-to-date and fully verifiable."


Israel: Pondering 'Hammerin' time' with Iran

Former US immigrant and advisor to Menachem Begin, and New York Post columnist, Zev Chafets mulls whether Israel "doing the right thing," by Iran may, in fact, mean doing the unexpected thing.

It is possible, even likely, that Israel could survive an Iranian nuclear attack physically — but not psychologically. It is doubtful that Israel could carry on as a sane, not to mention democratic, society. This is the great insight of Ahmadinejad.

An Israel assaulted in this way would react, of course. But it might not react in the predictable, proportionate, tit-for-tat fashion that the realists have laid out.

Read the rest.

Earlier posts about Israel and Iran here, here, here, here, here, and the linkdump is here.


Jerusalem & Tel Aviv: Spot the subtle differences...

And ever the twain shall meet.

Gotta' stop... and smell the myrtle

Tel Aviv Breakout

Click on images for full-size photos. Justing getting started in working with B&W post-processing, so professional or personal comment and critique is welcome.


Black, Jewish, oh - and did I mention he can put your butt in the slammer?

Hint: Reportedly religiously observant, and temporarily served as an infamous dictator.

C'mon - think...

No peeking...

Aww, all riiiiight - (ya' wus)

(H-T: Israellycool)



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