Monday, November 30

Tel Aviv is Jumpin For Joy!

'Jumpin for Joy!' Click photo for more on the series. (Dave Bender: All Rights Reserved)

'Jumpin for Joy! II' Click photo for more on the series. (Dave Bender: All Rights Reserved)

I'll be adding to this photo series of an afternoon along the Tel Aviv boardwalk, Jerusalem's Old City and pop-lockers downtown, and whatever else strikes my fancy...

Friday, November 20

Cool! More Israeli Things to Boycott!

  • Israeli Invention Allows for Early Detection of Cancerous Skin Tumors - Dan Even
    A new Israeli invention allows cancerous tumors on the skin to be detected and examined before they become visible to the naked eye, Ben-Gurion University announced. The developer of the new instrument, Ofir Aharon, a doctoral student at the electrophysiological department at Ben-Gurion University, said the technology "allows manipulation of different light frequencies and adjustments to electric fields to examine skin lesions." (Ha'aretz)
  • Tel Aviv University Develops New Wound Dressing with Antibiotics
    About 70% of all people with severe burns die from related infections. But a revolutionary new wound dressing developed at Tel Aviv University could cut that number dramatically. Prof. Meital Zilberman of TAU's Department of Biomedical Engineering has developed a new wound dressing based on fibers she engineered that can be loaded with drugs like antibiotics to speed up the healing process, and then dissolve when they've done their job. A study published in the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Applied Biomaterials demonstrates that, after only two days, this dressing can eradicate infection-causing bacteria. The new dressing protects the wound until it is no longer needed, after which it melts away. (Medical News)
  • Bone Repair "Breakthrough" at Hadassah - Judy Siegel-Itzkovich
    A team at Jerusalem's Hadassah University Medical Center has managed to separate platelets and adult stem cells from the blood and bone marrow of patients with fractures and inject them - causing the bones to meld in a quarter to third of the time and repairing some breaks that would have failed to heal. (Jerusalem Post)
  • Israel Water Tech Thrives in Weakened Economy - Ari Rabinovitch
    Israel's water technology sector has prospered despite the global financial crisis, largely due to global stimulus packages and penetration in developing countries, officials said on Wednesday. Water companies benefit from both infrastructure and cleantech spending, both cornerstones of stimulus packages. Water recycling company Aqwise, whose system breeds bacteria to break down organic waste, saw its sales increase 50% in 2009. (Reuters)

Friday, November 13

Correction: Univ. of Ga. Student Newspaper Revives 'Cheap Jew' Canard

(Correction: the following item is from the University of Georgia's independent student newspaper, The Red & Black, and has no connection to Emory University, as earlier, mistakenly, cited. DB)

Cartoonist Bill Richards' editorial cartoon in University of Georgia's "Red & Black," newspaper on Thursday, November 12, 2009:

Shows two Israeli soldiers standing near a barbed-wire and fenced gate, with a sign overhead calling it "Checkpoint Chaim," reminiscent of the Berlin Wall along what could be presumed as the West Bank security barrier.

The letters, "IDF" are written on the back of one soldier, and a word bubble over the other soldier, with a Jewish star on his helmet, says:
"And to think we got all this great stuff on clearance."
Furious letters to the editor are here:

From one letter, penned by several organizations:
"In the cartoon, there are three clear anti-Semitic overtones: the use of a stereotypical Jewish name in "Checkpoint Chaim", the placement of the Jewish star on the Israeli soldier's helmet and the suggestion that Jews care most about saving money in the caption.

"To the reader: What did these three references add to the political opinion of the cartoon? The slur in the caption takes an edgy, yet legitimate political cartoon and turns it into an ugly smear.
"Serving and representing the diverse community of the University of Georgia, The Red & Black should exercise extreme caution in their editorial decisions regarding race or religion, especially in the context of editorial cartoons. We call upon the leadership of The Red & Black to publish a retraction and to condemn anti-Semitism on campus."
Other angry replies are here:

The Red & Black's reply?:
"The Red & Black received numerous comments about Thursday's editorial cartoon.

"We would like to clarify that the cartoon was not intended to be offensive or a comment on any one religion.

"This newspaper staff would never condone that kind of hatred, and we hope students on campus stand up against it.

- The Red & Black editors"

Wednesday, November 11

(Video) Fort Hood: Terror Foreseen?

Click on the image for the video.

Eye-opening video: An interview with Palestinian-American author and commentator, Nonie Darwish about the spread of radical Islam in America:

Darwish is a founding member of an Arab, pro-Israel group: Arabs For Israel:

Darwish has lived in the U.S. for three decades and is a regular speaker, and international media commentator on radical Islam.

Sunday, November 8

Bombshell: Ft. Hood terrorist on White House trans. team?

Paper trail of the Fort Hood terrorist passes through - The White House transition team: "Security Priorities for the Next Administration" (original doc - pg. 29):

(I rarely blog about politics in the United States, don't link to Atlas Shrugged, and frankly, don't particularly care for Pamela Geller's shrill blogging style or pseudo-reporting "scoops."

But this document - if valid - is a truly damning revelation about Nidal Malik Hasan, and an apparent link to President Barack Obama's White House transition team; so give credit where credit is due).

Friday, November 6

Israeli 'kiddie ride' includes mud, rain, fog & exhaustion

Great blog post from a cyclist colleague in Israel, utterly bustin' it on a week-long children's charity ride:

"I just spent a week riding through mud.

Not the kind of nice warm Dead Sea mud that tourists buy. I’m talking about freezing cold mud. It gets on your arms, your legs, in your nose, and between your teeth. Every day after the ride you take a shower wearing your riding gear to try and get some of it off. But it’s just not possible.

The mud gets on your bike chain and in your gears. It gets in your brakes and clogs your pedals. Your bike weighs a ton no matter how often you try and clean some muck off.

What an amazing week."


The rain was so thick, you could hardly see where you were going. Then it started to get cold. Yael reminded me of the article I wrote before the ride about how we should just accept the inevitable and embrace the rain.

I told her to shut up."

Read the rest.

Monday, November 2

Remembering The Fall

Remembering The Fall
Originally uploaded by Dave Bender
Slightly "futzed with" cellphone image of the remains fallen autumn leaves on the hood of my car. "Remembering The Fall" is about the autumn, and a fall from grace of an all-too-brief Israeli autumn to present - albeit temporary - circumstances.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.


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