Friday, September 23

This Just In: Israel Dismantles: World's Problems End

Arabs: Welcome to your new home. Jews: But where do we hang the mezuzas? (Photo: Pria Bender. All Rights Reserved)

Reposting the link to a classic satire ( least I think it is), since it seems to be even more timely now than when it first came out.
"My cabinet and I had long discussions about world troubles, and we concluded that our critics are right - all the troubles can be traced back to us. So, in order to resolve "We are dismantling the Nation of Israel. I'm leaving for Poland next week."these issues, we felt it would be best to extend our withdrawal beyond Gaza to include the West Bank and Israel proper."
"We are dismantling the Nation of Israel. I'm leaving for Poland next week."
Read the rest:

Sunday, September 4

EXCLUSIVE AUDIO: IDF Tactics Aboard the Mavi Marmara

In the wake of the just-released UN's Palmer report on the Mavi Marmara and rapid deterioration in bilateral relations between Israel and Turkey, you might be interested in hearing an interview I held with an American/Israeli maritime security expert right after the flotilla takeover, in order to get a professional assessment of the Israeli SEAL tactics.

The audio report also includes the voices of the IHH wannabe' martyrs, the IDF warnings, and more. Give it a listen:

Maritime Security Expert on Gaza Flotillas


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