Sunday, July 9

77th Havel Havelim: Read 'em and reap

gone plum crazy writing like a banshee (Ok. Not a banshee. Like a Me-ander-er) in this week's Havel Havelim.

Bring an appetite and soup spoon and prepare to dig into all that rich, creamy bloggingness...

...and thanks for the link:

"Read Dave's beautifully illustrated
Quick Draw McGraw! You can sure get more with honey or a good laugh."

(from your mouth to You-Know-Who's ear, Batya)

Click and listen:
"77 Sunset Strip"

"Now what does that popular TV show from 45 years ago, 77 Sunset Strip, have to do with this edition of Havel Havelim? Very simple. This is the 77th edition of Havel Havelim, the Jewish-Israeli blogging carnival consisting of posts from blogs all over the world. It’s hosted by a different blogger each week and coordinated by Soccer Dad. The term “Havel Havelim” is from Kohelet, Ecclesiastes, which was written by King Solomon, who built the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and later on got all bogged down in materialism and other “excesses” and finally realized that it was nothing but norishkeit, “havel” or in English 'vanities.'"

Where in Israel is this? (Bizarre signery contest)

Ok. If Ozzie Dave over at Israellycool can do it, so can I:

Where did I shoot this photograph (and possibly, why, fer' God's sake)?:

Spray-painted out inscriptions:
"Holy Place - Do Not Urinate"
(Photo: Dave Bender)

The top line says on both angles:
"Holy Site." The sprayed out lower line: "Do Not Urinate."

Hint: No, it's not a pissoir. It's the doorway at the
main entrance.

Comments are, umm, welcome. I think.
(Pssst. Dave? I repeatedly tried posting by you for your contest, but keep getting bounced by the logon. Is it my accent?)

Gaza, Sderot: IDF artillery fire after Kassam volley wounds civilians (UPDATE)

Kassam rocket collection at Sderot police station
(Photo: YNETnews)

From The Jerusalem Post:

"Four people were wounded on Sunday morning, one moderately, when one of two Kassam rockets launched from the Gaza Strip landed in a house in Sderot.

"The wounded included a male in his 40s who was hurt by shrapnel. All four were evacuated to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon.

"The second rocket landed in open territory in the city. No one was wounded and no damage was reported as a result of the impact. Following Sunday morning's rocket fire, the IDF resumed shelling Kassam launch sites in northern Gaza."

IDF denies artillery fire hit Palestinian family:

"July 9th 2006
The IDF is investigating reports regarding civilian casualties in a house in Sajaiya. The IDF denies claims of alleged tank or artillery fire; at the times of the incident there was no artillery or tank fire in the area. The Israel Air Force targeted a group of gunmen carrying anti-tank missiles in a street in Sajaiya, and identified hitting them.

"The IDF will continue to act with determination and to employ all means at its disposal to combat terrorists and their infrastructure, in order to
ensure the safe return of Cpl. Gilad Shalit and to stop terrorist attacks and the launching of rockets at Israel."

Looks like another "Gaza beach story" is entering the news cycle. Bagel Blogger has a withering, extensively footnoted "Fisking" expose here.


The Erez security crossing is currently open for the passage of foreign journalists. It will be open until approximately 12:00 noon, in both directions."

That's Armyspeak for, "You're that hot to trot to cover this story? Just remember "Duck and Cover," and please sign this here release form in triplicate saying we take no responsibility over your sorry butt, and don't come cryin' to us if you catch either an artillery shell or a Kassam there."

Oh yeah - and for the "mapographically" challenged, that's, oh, nearly smack dab between Kassam firing areas at the northern edge of the Gaza and their targets of Sderot and Ashkelon, and IDF artillery batteries trying to quell the Palestinians rocket crews by shelling back at them.

Just sayin'...

...And this via Israel Matzav:

"Knesset Member Wasal Taha, corresponding publicly with internet surfers on the Arabic-language IslamOnline site, said he repeatedly advised PA terrorists to battle and kidnap Israeli soldiers.

"MK Zevulun Orlev (National Religious Party), who last week submitted a bill to negate Knesset membership to MKs who support terrorists, said that Taha's "traitorous" remarks are further proof that Israeli democracy must protect itself."


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