Thursday, November 29

Annapolis: Video Commentaries and Latest Headlines

  • Low grades for Israeli education system
  • Government ministers want to fire Education Minister
  • After Annapolis: IDF responds to Hamas violence
  • Annapolis Special Commentaries:
  • Mr. Alon Pinkas – Former Israel's Consul General, NY – click to watch
  • Mr. Dov Weisglass – Former PM Ariel Sharon’s Bureau Chief - click to watch
  • Mr. Benny Regev – Brother of Kidnapped Soldier, Eldad Regev - click to watch

Wednesday, November 28

Holocaust Survivor Tutors Palestinian Billy Elliot

From Canada's Globe and Mail:
KIBBUTZ GAATON, ISRAEL — The story could have been drawn straight from the Billy Elliot movie script: A young boy who was first transfixed by ballet on television, and would dance secretly in his room at night, practicing what he learned from films and Internet videos.

But Ayman Saffah is a young Palestinian-Israeli – as he prefers to be known – from a small village in the Galilee, and young men in traditional Arab Muslim villages don’t dance ballet, at least not publicly. And so Mr. Saffah’s path to a remote ballet school at Kibbutz Gaaton, the preparatory school for Israel’s prestigious Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company, has been riddled with stops and starts.

“I always wanted to dance,” says the young-looking 17-year-old, wearing jeans and sneakers, a pair of sunglasses dangling at his neck. “[But] when I saw it on the TV or Internet, I saw many, many girls dance, but I never saw boys. So I thought I couldn’t do it.”

Read the rest (Gross posted what appears to be a large excerpt, since the G&M page is subscriber-only).

Tuesday, November 27

Web Of Life (original photograph)

'Web of Life' (Dave Bender)

Close-up of droplets of rainwater suspended in a spider's web in the grass. I shot this alongside the Chattahoochee River, just north of Atlanta, as a light misty rain began to fall on a cold Sunday afternoon. Click the pic for the hi-rez size -- it's worth a closer look.

"Cropped 'n' Shopped:" sharpened and color corrected.

And speaking of rain, here's a great site for those wanting accurate information about the weather in Israel: The Israeli Meteorological Service.

'Geekdad' Hacks Hannukah

From Wired:
History notwithstanding, Hanukkah still lags behind Christmas in the transition from traditional light sources like candles towards microcontroller driven arrays of LEDs. While that may be simply due to the relative flammability of dry pine trees versus that of metal menorahs, the irony is that Hanukkah -- unlike Christmas -- actually requires observers to light up specific lights in a specific order, which is exactly the sort of thing that you want a microcontroller for.
Umm, ahh, sure. That's what I always wanted a microcontroller for. Doesn't everyone? Fun for the whole family:


Finally. The US media get it right about dealing with terrorists!

And it's about damn time.

In The Know: War On Terror


Sunday, November 25

Tackle Football Wallops Israel

Quick hands are followed by the chase as number 67 goes in for a tackle.
Ariel Jerozolimski)

Colleague Sam Ser over at The Jerusalem Post has the local "gridiron" details:
As kickoffs go, the opening play of last Friday's game between Big Blue and the Pioneers was unexceptional - the only indication of any greater significance being that it ended, in what was undoubtedly a first for an American tackle football league, with a Levi tackling a Levy.

Israel Football League logo
Minutes into the Israel Football League's inaugural game on an unseasonably warm November afternoon at Jerusalem's Kraft Stadium, one of the more than 200 mostly American immigrants in attendance soaked in the sound of shoulder pads crunching against churning thighs as if listening to a long-lost rock'n'roll album he had just rediscovered at the back of his closet. "Wow," he said, turning to his friend and nodding with satisfaction, "it really brings you back to high school, doesn't it?"
But how do they say, "Hail Mary Play" in the language of the Prophets, and does, "throwing the bomb," rattle the receiver?

Read the rest here, and find out more about the Israel Football League here.

Earlier posts about baseball in the Holyland are here.

Friday, November 23

'Been away so long, I hardly knew the place...'

Columbus, GA., guitarist and songwriter Marshall Ruffin rockin' the crowd at The Loft. (Dave Bender)

"Gee it's great to be back home..."

High-altitude ice crystals bracket the setting sun on a Sunday evening, after a day trekking through the hills near Helen, Ga. Click the pics, or go
here for more recent images. (Dave Bender)

Well, y'know: life; work, mainly covering stories, Shabbat, Chag; and especially, missing Israel... But in the meantime, covering events here, like this demo:

Two protesters at the annual SOA Watch protest outside the gates of the US Army's Ft. Benning, GA. facility, demonstrate "waterboarding," a controversial interrogation technique, opponents consider a form of torture. The willing subject of this simulation was unrestrained, and emerged unharmed from the brief exhibition. (Dave Bender)

I'll make a Thanksgiving vow to try to get back into blogging. Really, I will. Right after I finish a prison story I'm working on...

Staffers at Stewart County Detention Center, Lumpkin, Ga., removing handcuffs and leg irons from detained illegal aliens, in order to for transport them to hearings on their cases - or deportation. (Dave Bender)

Thursday, October 25

San Diego blazes, Sodom, & the Jewish Question...

A fascinating, moving post from a San Diego resident, via Aish:
We live in La Jolla, which means "The Jewel." Our community is little more than a stone's throw from one of the prettiest pieces of coastline in the entire county and boasts the best weather too. We have a lovely shul with over 280 families, a spa-like mikvah, and an eruv on the way. This past Shabbat, as we do every week, we enjoyed our shul kiddush al fresco, socializing around the towering Torrey Pine tree that defines our shul's courtyard. We could not have predicted that such a short time later, our blue skies would turn toxic, the crisp ocean breezes replaced with menacing winds and our Torrey Pine and its courtyard laden with ash.

Thankfully, our normally idyllic coastal enclave seems to be out the path of the fire -- at least for now. But as the communities immediately to the North and to the East of us were steadily evacuated, my husband and I were increasingly concerned: What if we were next? What if a call comes in the middle of the night asking us -- telling us -- to leave?
Read the rest, and try to decide for yourself what you really care about.

Monday, October 22

Acco: Jumping for joy (Original photography)

Acco: Jumping For Joy. (Dave Bender)

Acco youth jumping into the sea at the end of a hot summer's day. He wasn't hurt by the razor-sharp barnacles, and stones of the wash. I b&w'ed the rocks in the background, in order to bring the kid to the forefront.

Click here for another image from this series.

Jaffa: barring 'The Real Thing'

Barring 'The Real Thing.' Click on the image for a close-up, hi-rez version. (Dave Bender)

A decaying window, on a lane facing the Mediterranean sea, near the old port of Jaffa. Now at ground level, close up, it looks as though the street was once lower, and it offered its once-upon-a-time residents a pleasant view of the sunset.

More recent Jaffa news, you ask? Oh, ok:
Vandals spray anti-meat graffiti on McDonalds in Jaffa

Sunday, October 21

JerusalemOnline: Weekly Video News Update

Today's Headlines:
  • Palestinian assassination plot against PM Olmert foiled
  • Remnants of First Temple Period discovered by Temple Mount
  • Recycled park built on remains of massive garbage dump

(Full disclosure: I worked at JerusalemOnline as an editor and translator)

Friday, October 19

Iran's Khamenei to US: 'Join the unfree world'

He he he:
In a speech that condemned the upcoming U.S.-sponsored Middle East peace conference, Iran’s Supreme Leader today called on the United Nations to impose sanctions on the United States aimed at “bringing the U.S. into the global community of unfree nations.”

“The people of the United States have lived under iron-fist of liberty for too long,” said Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, whose word is law in Iran. “We believe that deep in the human soul dwells a universal desire to submit to a more powerful person whom one can revere with quiet obedience. Americans have had to squelch this yearning for more than two centuries.”

Mr. Khamenei told a cheering Iranian crowd, “No people can long endure the shackles of a democratic regime, without finally breaking those chains and taking their place among uncivilized nations that have wisely advanced only so far as they ought.”

“With proper encouragement from the United Nations,” he added, “the American people will soon throw off the yoke of freedom, and breathe the fresh air of subservience along with their millions of brethren in the Muslim world.”

Spot the differences:
Ahmadinejad and the Iranian Supremes
Diana Ross and the Supremes
More Iraniabilia here.

Debka dancing on the edge (original photography)

No, not that Debka... but this one:

'Dancing On The Edge' (Dave Bender)

A shot of two Israeli Arab youths from Acco, near Haifa, as they alternate diving into the waters off of the Crusader-era ruins, adjacent to the walled Old City. Their poses as they gingerly stepped across the rocks reminded me of a sort of "dance frieze."

Originally a color shot, I am trying to shorten the b&w learning curve (btw - via a stunning stills/video photog site: Radiant Vista), and this is an early try. Some Photoshopping, to bring out the clouds, and tonal "oomph" that b&w does so well. Comments, critique (and cash) are all welcomed.

Heart-to-heart between Israel, Palestinians

Heartwarming, no?
Two Palestinian children in need of complex, life-saving heart surgery will be operated on by an international team of experts during a live broadcast surgery at an upcoming international medical seminar in Israel.

World-renowned medical professionals will meet in Israel next week to share and debate leading research and techniques in adult and pediatric cardiothoracic surgery and cardiology, as part of the Second Sami and Angela Shamoon Medical Seminar held at the Edith Wolfson Medical Center.

The seminar will take place from October 21st – 22nd, 2007 and will bring together distinguished medical professionals from the US, Canada, UK, China, Germany and the Netherlands.
The conference will also unite Israeli and Palestinian doctors through the Save A Child's Heart, 'Heart of the Matter' program sponsored by the European Union, where 15 Palestinian doctors from the West Bank and Gaza are expected to participate in the conference. Read the rest.

President Shimon Peres expressed regret on Thursday that innocent Palestinians were being subjected to any form of maltreatment by Israel, but he added that over the past three weeks, six potential suicide bombers had been apprehended as they tried to enter Israel with explosives... Peres outlined his vision of the proposal for an industrial zone peace village that is supported by the Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian leadership and said the Japanese were giving $100 million and the Germans $30m. toward the project.
Click here for previous posts on Israeli medical advances, and related medical news.

'Picturing Israel' in orange

Another in a series of stunning images from Israel:
A date with a dream

Saturday, October 13

UK: outrage over Holocaust denier's Oxford invite

From UK journalist Tom Gross:
Oxford University’s world famous Oxford Union debating society has sparked outrage after it was revealed that they have invited Holocaust denier David Irving, who was recently released from an Austrian jail, to address students at the end of November. The Oxford Union has also asked British fascist leader Nick Griffin to join him, reports The Guardian.

“If Columbia can invite Ahmadinejad, then why shouldn’t we invite Irving?” one Oxford Union committee member asked.

Last month Irving told The Guardian that the Jews were responsible for “most of the wars of the last 100 years.”

Duncan Money, a second-year student at the university, said: “It is disappointing that the Oxford Union has chosen to promote and legitimize fascism.”

The Oxford Union had already been criticized for a debate they are holding later this month titled “This House Believes that One State is the Only Solution to the Israel-Palestine Conflict.” Norman Finkelstein, who has been accused of being an anti-Semite and Holocaust revisionist, will be one of the key speakers, as will former Israelis Avi Shlaim and Ilan Pappe, both of whom will be speaking against the continuing existence of Israel.

In his book, “The Holocaust Industry,” Finkelstein referred to Jewish leaders as “caricatures straight from the pages of Der Stuermer and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” On his website, he called Jewish historian Deborah Lipstadt the “Elsie the Cow Chair in Judeo-Yenta Studies.” And he said Auschwitz death camp survivor Elie Wiesel was “the resident clown of the Holocaust circus.”

No Israeli has been invited by Oxford to put the opposing view....
(What - and ruin a perfectly good day?)

Thursday, October 11

Breaking: Iraqi kids in Israel for heart surgery

More on SACH here.

Two Iraqi children are set to arrive in Israel today [Thursday] for emergency heart surgery. Both children were screened by Israeli doctors during a one-day cardiology clinic set up for 40 Iraqi children in Jordan, organized by Israeli-based organization, Save A Child's Heart on October 9th, 2007.

Israeli doctors immediately referred a 5 month old girl and an 11 year old boy from Iraq for emergency medical treatment in Israel due to the severity of their heart conditions, which if not treated, would leave them at risk of dying at any moment.

Here's the Associated Press story.

40 Iraqi children, accompanied by their parents, made the journey from Iraq to Jordan where they were screened by a SACH medical team, including, Dr. Akiva Tamir, Head of Pediatric Cardiology, Dr. Alona Raucher-Sternfeld, Pediatric Cardiologist and Dr. Sion Houri, Director of Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, based at the Wolfson Medical Center in Israel. General Electric equipped the team with a state of the art, portable echocardiogram machine which greatly assisted with the diagnosis of children.

Logistical support for the mission was provided by the Christian group, Shevet Achim and medical facilities were offered by the Red Crescent Hospital in Amman.

Since January 2007, SACH has operated on 18 Iraqi children. To date, a total of 35 children from Iraq have been treated by the organization at the Wolfson Medical Center in Holon. Iraqi children who arrive in Israel with their family, reside at the SACH Children's Home in Azur.

Save A Child’s Heart provides life-saving heart surgeries for children from developing countries regardless of race, ethnicity, religion or gender. Since its inception in 1996, SACH has treated over 1700 children from 28 countries around the world including; Ethiopia, Zanzibar, Rwanda, Moldova, Vietnam and China. Close to half of the total number of children treated at SACH are Palestinian or from Arab countries including Jordan and Iraq.

Coulter: 'we' Christians 'just want Jews to be perfected'

From Israelinsider:
The National Jewish Democratic Council (NJDC) [has] called on mainstream media outlets to stop inviting Ann Coulter as a guest commentator/pundit and strongly condemned her comments that Jews should be "perfected" by accepting the New Testament and that America would be better off if Judaism were "thrown away" and all Americans were Christian.
The (verbal) free-for-all, with video, is here, at Left-of-center, media watchdog group Media Matters:
When pressed by Deutsch regarding whether she wanted to be like "the head of Iran" and "wipe Israel off the Earth," Coulter stated: "No, we just want Jews to be perfected, as they say. ... That's what Christianity is. We believe the Old Testament, but ours is more like Federal Express. You have to obey laws."
Omri over at Merehetoric has an interesting - if snarky - take(down) on the tussle:
It combines the best elements of liberal sophistication: the banality of multiculturalist tolerance, the humorlessness of scolding identity politics, and the blubbering of righteous indignation. It's the shallow beginning and the myopic end of the belief gap.

Wednesday, October 10

Contrast & Compare: Jerusalem real estate, and not-so-real-estate

Curved sky
Building on Jerusalem (Dave Bender). I photographed this view of the Dome of the Rock, and construction near the Old City, via the reflection in the glass of the City Hall observation deck. Click the pic for the hi-rez version.
Abbas wants state in 98% of West Bank:
Demands include all of Gaza, W. Bank, e. J'lem and areas in e. J'lem demilitarized before '67.
Infolive TV:
Real Estate Is Booming In The Capital: brings you the first in a series of special reports on Jerusalem, offering our readers the opportunity to learn about the different aspects of Israel's capital city, including security, the different peace plans concerning the city, real estate, religion and cultural events.

Click here for previous posts about Jerusalem.

(Disclosure: I served as an editor at The JPost, and bureau chief at Infolive: hah, loved the pun about "booming," Patricio, Margot...)

Tuesday, October 9

Jerusalem, Israel & Pals: splitsville?

Looking north towards central Jerusalem, from the capital's southernmost neighborhood, Gilo. I shot this photograph with a cellphone camera, and then tweaked it in Photoshop to get this somewhat dreamlike image. (Dave Bender)

Writer, columnist and blogger Judy Lash Balint weighs in with a well-crafted, detailed, and personal POV on the significance of reports about dividing Jerusalem:
When most tourists think of Jerusalem, they generally have in mind the Western Wall, the Israel Museum, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Ben Yehuda Mall and Yad Vashem. Sadly, tourists, like most Israeli Jews, don't spend much time in eastern Jerusalem--despite the fact that this part of the Holy City holds the most historical, spiritual and strategic significance for Jews and Christians.

But in the run-up to the Annapolis summit, as the Olmert and Bush administrations intone the old "two states for two peoples" mantra, and renewed declarations that a Palestinian state will have east Jerusalem as its capital go on, perhaps it's time to understand the dynamics of the eastern part of the city.

Until very recently, Israeli politicians both left and right cited "Jerusalem, the undivided capital of Israel" as the consensus mantra. Now, Deputy Prime Minister Haim Ramon, (the same Ramon who was convicted just six months ago on sexual harassment charges) is advancing the same unrealistic Camp David thinking on Jerusalem as that first raised by Ehud Barak in 2000. Let the Arabs have the Arab neighborhoods and the Jews will keep the Jewish areas, and the "Holy Basin" of Judaism and Christianity's holiest sites will be administered by joint international supervision, declares Ramon.

But, as anyone who has spent any time at all in Jerusalem's neighborhoods can attest, things on the ground are far more complex than that.
Read the rest and learn. Previous post featuring Balint.

(Full disclosure: Judy and I have worked together in the past on news coverage about Israel and PA areas)

Google Earth: Israel's striptease and refugees

From Jewish World Review:
When Google Earth first came along, the company went to some lengths to address the security concerns and restrictions in various countries, including Israel, where images of this nation were often blurry and you couldn't zoom in to find your house in Jerusalem.

Well, good-bye to all that.

"Sensitive installations, Air Force bases with their planes and helicopters, missile bases and even the nuclear reactor in Dimona have never been photographed better," writes Yuval Dror in Friday's Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper. "A recent Google Earth update shows satellite pictures that make it possible to see clear, sharp pictures of military and civilian targets all across Israel."

"Up until recently, the satellite pictures of Israel on Google Earth had a particularly low resolution: every pixel was equal to 10-20 meters. Now, the satellite maps of Israel show great parts of the country with a resolution close to two meters per pixel.

Here's a recent thread on an aviation enthusiast site with the details.

's an item in Ynet News about Palestinians using the service to commemorate villages throughout Israel. From the story, an intriguing suggestion:
"The Palestinian surfer, seems to be quite a moderate person. In the Google Earth forum, one of the surfers asked him: "There were hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees who were forced to escape their homes in Arab states at the same time… maybe their property should also be documented, in order to maintain balance?"

And Darby replied: "I agree with you 100 percent. I wish I had time to document the Jewish residence in the Arab world, but I don't. I would be happy to see someone taking this project upon himself."
Nu? Anyone ready, able and willing to take up the challenge?

Here's a previous post on Google Earth, and here's one on amateur/semi-pro photo sites featuring Israeli and Palestinian areas.

Saturday, October 6

Israel: The Pressure Point & Britney Spears (Original Photo)

Pressure Point
Pressure Point (Dave Bender)

Eitan Haber (bureau chief of late prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, from 1991 to 1995) writing in YnetNews:
One does not need to be a great Israeli leader to discern what Winston Churchill would have undoubtedly called the "gathering storm", and it doesn't comprise just rain clouds. We all understand what is happening but prefer to supress our thoughts. Or, just as in that Kol Nidre night in 1973, we can't see what is happening:

The Arab and Islamic world is looking to obtain nuclear arms: The Iranians are working full out on this; Syria is trying to acquire them on the sly; Libya reached an advanced stage in its nuclear project and we knew nothing about it; Pakistan is already a nuclear power and is not, if I am not mistaken, a country that sends us flowers for Shabbat.

The world’s headache

Washington is preparing an international peace conference and, at the conference, Israel will be asked to make sweeping concessions. President George W. Bush is looking for at least one success, before he becomes an oil magnate in Texas, and it looks like it will come at our expense. Let's not forget: America does not recognize the West Bank settlements, some 200,000 people. And joining the US will be many other world nations which, in the past few years, have bought into the notion that "we are the world's headache". If the Americans don't succeed in November, these countries will try in January and they won't give up.

Eitanush?... Tishma', habibi: although it's like, really nice of you to wake up this late in the game and realize that our backs are to the wall, howza'bout a smidgen of pride, self-respect and, ya' know, uttering the umm, "F" word. Faith. As in who and what we are, have been and will remain.

And not this sort of "Cry me a river" prattle...

(Inspired by Chris Crocker's infamous and passionate YouTube appeal for people to leave Britney alone in the wake of her failed performance at the MTV 2007 Music Video Awards


Web Israel At Level Ground