The headlines give me a gut sense of dread and deva vu about what the US is facing in its war against terror. On 9/11/2001, I was on the Internet newsdesk at The Jerusalem Post.
In an exclusive interview held soon after, world-acclaimed Israeli-American novelist Naomi Ragen told me in plain words about living with terrorism and how it affects her life in Israel, her writing, relations with foreign journalists covering the conflict - and the increasing threat it poses for all of us, worldwide.
Her words were so clear and to-the-point that I wanted to share them anew, unfortunately, because of all-to-familiar circumstances.
"CBS News Photo essay: Authorities talk after a raid Thursday, June 22, 2006, in Miami's Liberty City area. Seven people were arrested in connection with the early stages of a plot to attack Chicago's Sears Tower and other buildings in the U.S., including an FBI office in Miami, a federal law enforcement official said. As part of the raids, FBI agents swarmed a warehouse, using a blowtorch to take off a metal door."
"ABC News: June 24, 2006 — The alleged terrorism plot broken up in Miami is sending out shock waves as people realize terror threats can come from within the United States as well as abroad. But critics are raising questions about how serious the threat actually was."
(Segments excerpted from our discussion on JPost Radio)