Thursday, September 7

Why (really) Europe hates the Jews

The following is a long, but oh-so-worthwhile "fisking" of European attitudes against Israel and Jews in general:
Jostein Gaarder, the Norwegian science writer, novelist and children’s writer has written a thunderous prophetic denunciation of Israel that articulates well the moral posture of Europe when it comes to the Arab-Israeli conflict. It’s reach and vehemence prompted many complaints and accusations of anti-semitism.

The prophetic cry was published on August 5, 2006, in the immediate aftermath of the Qana bombing and the international outrage based on what we now know was systematically distorted numbers and staged photos, all designed to arouse precisely the kind of moral outrage so eloquently expressed by Gaarder. Thus his response represents a good gauge of the power of the media’s narrative on people’s thoughts and emotions.

The following is an open-letter fisking, asking Jostein Gaarder to take the time and effort to reconsider his hasty vehemence, explore the underlying assumptions and emotions that drove his prophetic language, and finally, examine the possibility that he might have been the dupe of demopaths… a phenomenon that Europe can ill afford these days.

Again - long, detailed, but SO worth sticking with...

'A Nation of Heroes - A Government of Cowards'

Treppenwitz, cross-posting at Israelity about the human, political and strategic aftermath of the war believes that since Israel's leadership
[...] agreed to that shameful ceasefire they have continued making and breaking a seemingly endless stream of promises. They promised the Israeli people that the laughable terms of the ceasefire would lead to the unconditional return of the hostages. They promised the families of the hostages they wouldn’t lift the embargo of Lebanon until the hostages were returned. They promised the world they would never negotiate a prisoner exchange with terrorists.

I am sick inside at the realization that there is literally no honor in the lot of them and that there is quite simply no promise our current leaders won’t break.

I have woken up every morning this week thoroughly ashamed to be an Israeli… and far too angry to write.

Bumper sticker on door of Nahariya apartment building damaged in Katyusha rocket strike; shrapnel pockmarks are visible at right. Translation: "Gush Katif & Samaria (northern West Bank) - We Have Love and it Will Win," a slogan of right-wingers, used, and later discarded, who opposed last year's Gaza Strip pullout. (Photo: Dave Bender)

Dave, you have read my mind - and beat me to a cross-posting here about just that sense of despair over the results.

Having traveled throughout the north with aid groups repeatedly during the fighting, and viewed firsthand the grim results, since the "end" of the warfare my feeling is (and not just mine) that Israelis are aching for more of a resolution than a "war of the Jews" over who's to blame, and who came out on top.

What I don't share with you is the "shame" over being an Israeli. I am proud beyond words over how the "average" Israeli coped - despite the poliical echelon's near absolute screw-up of everything related to administering the opening, course and aftermath of the war against Hizbullah.

As the bumpersticker I've seen around town says: Medina Shel Giborim - Memshala Shel Pachdanim (A Nation of Heroes - A Government of Cowards).

More on this issue here, here and here.

(Cross-posted as a comment at Israelity)

JerusalemOnline news update: 00:00, Sept. 7th (Video - Channel 2 TV)

  • Israel to lift Lebanon blockade Thursday evening
  • Comptroller: Everyone involved in war to be probed
  • New Iranian-made warplane revealed

    Click on image for the latest
    Israel Channel Two TV News


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